Turk Serbest Ticaret Bölgesi
Türkiye' nin en büyük B2B ticaret portali.. |

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Web Directory of Turkey |
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Telerehber is considered as the directory of firms and is being referred to as the yellow pages for Turkey and links are given thereto:
1- As yellow pages for Turkey in the site international http://www.yellowpages.com
2- In the turkish section of the biggest directory site of Europe http://www.europages.com , Telerehber -Turkfreezone is being referred to as partner
3- In the web site of the german post office http://www.gelbeseiten.de link is being given to Telerehber as yellow pages for Turkey.
4- If a global search is made in the German site http://www.wlw.de, "Who supplies what, where" any search for Turkey is made in Telerehber (Turkindex.com)
5- In yellow pages Belgium http://www.goldenpages.be
6- In yellow pages Netherlands http://www.goudengids.nl
7- In yellow pages Norway http://www.gulesider.no
8- In yellow pages Spain http://www.superpages.com
9- In the International Telephone Directory http://www.infobel.com (Business directory (yellow pages) for companies in Turkey) it is being introduced as business directory for companies and link is being given to.
10- In yellow pages Greece http://www.xo.gr
11- In the Polish telephone directory http://www.pkt.pl
12- In yellow pages Ireland http://www.goldenpages.ie
13- Swedish foreign trade undersecretariat http://www.swedishtrade.se
14- Danish Yellow Pages http://www.degulesider.dk
15- Germany Telephon Book web site http://www.telefonbuch.com as Turkei Telephon Guide Turkindex.

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